symbol - One with the Earth

Last week I wrote about Dan Poresky’s One with the Earth symbol, which he created for use as a universal environmental symbol.

I wrote to Dan asking for his comments, particularly as I’d raised issues in a public forum. He replied in detail. So I’m pleased to publish his response and comment on how far it met my concerns.

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symbol - One with the Earth

One with the Earth is a symbol intended for anyone to show any kind of environmentally-friendly activity or support, a “universal symbol for environmental awareness”.

It’s quite the opposite of the last symbol I wrote about: Recycle, a graphic design for a commercial advertising campaign for a second-hand bookshop, a particular form of recycling.

Will it work?

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Recycle Now logo

The RecycleNow logo is for a recycling campaign, rather than for materials, products or services.

It’s aimed at consumers, to encourage them – so that’s me and you – to recycle, but doesn’t seem to involve so much effort for manufacturers, to encourage them to increase recyclability.

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